Taylor K. Sullivan-Peters

Starting in 2023, I began releasing music under my own name.

Every Day Carry (2024.03.24) #

This is an album about an out of order experience of carrying memories and ideas around all day, every day.

The entire piece began as a series of quasi field recordings of me playing a little tune I haven’t been able to forget in all the places I go every day. I played the recordings back in each new room or environment and sometimes I added new accompaniment as the layers piled up. Then, to squish the time, I jumbled them out of order and edited them together until I wanted to listen to the whole thing in one sitting.

For me, the music here is about the kinds of through lines that I have jumbling in my head all the time. It’s about the feeling when I realize I’ve been turning over some of the same thoughts like a worry stone without verbalizing them for, in some cases, as long as I can remember.

Live At State Street Pub 03.25.23 (05.05.23) #

A live recording from the tape release show for my friend Neil Moore.

End the Parking Meter Racket!! (10.02.23) #

A title that reference’s Garry Wills’ Nixon Agonistes. One medium-length improv that was a year old at the time and that surprised me with how unified it sounded to my fresh ears.